Sarasota Modern Architecture

Theres a lot of great information in this article by Harold Bubil of the Sarasota Herald Tribune. In regards to the flood insurance portion of the article its nice to see the economic impact of these changes getting some press, I think most people understood that premiums would definitely be affected but things are not looking good for people trying to sell non-conforming structures. It remains to be seen how it will affect construction, with this change I think we will see the prices come down on non-conforming structures where it becomes more palatable for buyers to tear down and start new. I think we’ll see many more demo permits being pulled in the coming years. Lets hope that none of them are fore preservation worthy structures, say those by sarasota school of architecture alumni! In regards to the architectural festival that the Sarasota Architecture Foundation is putting on it is great to see our wonderful Sarasota architects whom focus on modern architecture getting the notoriety they deserve. Read the Herald Tribune story here.



By | 2018-01-17T23:07:05+00:00 January 27th, 2014|Blog|