Sarasota Custom Home Builders Raising Homes To Avoid Flood Insurance Hikes

Though not always feasible or even desirable there is an option to lift your home into compliance. For Sarasota home builders this may be a source of new business as the FEMA flood insurance changes come into effect. One really needs to weigh the pros and cons of committing to this change as many of the affected homes are really not worth the cost or hassle of doing so and the investment may be near impossible to recoup at resale on a lot of these structures. Unfortunately theres not a lot of options for those affected by the FEMA changes. One likely outcome will be the sale of many of these homes at property value only in which case these Sarasota homesites would be scraped and new homes would be built. As a Sarasota home builder with extensive experience building Sarasota waterfront custom homes we welcome any questions you may have. Here is a link to a Herald tribune article this weekend about Sarasota Flood Insurance Changes.

By | 2018-01-17T22:58:13+00:00 February 18th, 2014|Blog|